IPR Training with Cambodian Customs in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

In furtherance to the anti-counterfeiting objectives and dedicated protection of Intellectual Property Rights, United IPR and ACACAP (Asian Coalition Against Anti Counterfeiting And Piracy), in cooperation with the World Customs Oranization, concluded an interactive IPR Training with the Cambodian Customs on 5th February 2016 at Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The training witnessed participation from a wide consortium of right-holders.
The training was intended to familiarize the Cambodian Customs with the Intellectual Property Rights Regime for prevention of import and export of counterfeit goods and it was attended by 40 officials from the General Department of Customs Enforcement, Cambodia, presided over by Mr. Nuon Chanrith, the Deputy Director General.
Cambodia being a growing economy with textile constituting roughly 70% of its exports, is hugely impacted on the revenue and employment front due to the progress of counterfeit industry. As such, Cambodia has realized the importance of implementation of their IPR Protection obligations, in order to ensure national economic progress and improved participation in international trade.
The training found its conclusion in the firm resolve to work in harmony and tackle the menace of counterfeiting and infringement activities globally, with a special focus in the South Asian Region.